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What is Chemical Engineering?

Understanding is literally saying that chemical engineering is "an engineering science / engineering is to convert / transform raw materials into materials / finished products are effective and have economic value through the processes of chemistry, physics, and biology of large scale". Can also be said that "a science to implement the processes of conversion of raw materials into functional products"

From the definition above, chemical engineering is a science that is very applicable, combining the basic concepts of science disciplines such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology with engineering sciences (technology) and industrial systems. In this context, the science of chemical engineering in principle very different from pure chemistry and industrial engineering (engineering and industrial management).

In everyday life, we are always faced with the important events in the sphere of science chemical engineering. One example of the daily activities that I provide here are brewing tea or coffee.

When brewing coffee / tea, what is expected by those who drink it? Of course, is the taste, so not sleepy, or deliberately to drink because of thirst. Well let's discuss the events or concepts of chemical engineering anything that happens from activities make tea / coffee.

The process of changing the size ofNever seen anyone make tea / coffee but using dried coffee is still intact round or tea leaves that are still wide open? Granted there are some people who do it, but this is not something unusual. Among the more must we see people make tea / coffee in which the coffee beans are stacked or leaf tea is finely chopped into small pieces. It is also a process in chemical engineering. Why should be reduced in size? You may find your answer in the jungle "chemical engineering"

Process heating, energy transfer, and energy conversion.We brew coffee / tea usually use hot water, right? How we use that water to be hot? Of course it should be heated using several methods all of which require energy from outside. Can use the stove / electric heater alias utilize electrical energy, or a kerosene stove / LPG alias harness chemical energy in the fuel is then burned to obtain heat energy. In chemical engineering, this is called the energy transfer process and change (conversion) of energy.

Dissolving and extraction process.Why do we brew coffee / tea in hot conditions? What happens if we make tea / coffee with cold water? Of course tea / coffee will not be late, do not you? Consequently taste be no favors for the components that result in a fragrant aroma and delicious taste of the tea / coffee becomes insoluble in cold water. Above the heating process helps speed up dissolving the components of "favors" is so tea / coffee can be enjoyed as it is today. Components such favors will be out of the coffee beans or tea leaves and dissolved in hot water. In chemical engineering, the process is called "extraction". Why is this so? Things like that someday that will be studied in the department of chemical engineering.

The screening processSometimes because of the coffee grounds / tea mixture that is contained in the steeping, people become uncomfortable or disturbed while drinking. To eliminate this waste, filtering needs to be done. In chemical engineering, the event is called "filtration". If we use the tea bag, the paper for which we dip the tea container is exactly what serves as a filter that does not participate tea powder mixed with water steeping tea. We can more comfortably drink it, right?

Stirring and mixing processesWhat would happen if we drink coffee / tea without stirring. Alias ​​powder coffee / tea just put into hot water and drink immediately. It definitely feels less enjoyable. Mixing process to make all the ingredients well mixed and evenly (homogeneous). It could be to accelerate the dissolution process, as already mentioned above. In order tea / coffee that we drink more enjoyable, many people add sugar to it with a certain dose that will suit anyone's taste drink. Well, this is what is meant by the mixing process. With a certain dose, coffee / tea and sugar are mixed and put in hot water and stirred with a spoon (as a mixer) for a certain time. After that drink, deh. Mmmh .... delicious!!

Well, is not understood? Now we draw a common thread between the events of the brewing tea / coffee is towards other non-industrial applications but identical. An example is the factory paint, factory ink / dye, detergent factory, plant various types of beverages, plant various types of food, etc..

If we review our understanding of the chemical engineering as mentioned above it would be like this. Raw materials are coffee / tea, sugar, and water. Then processed and converted into other functional products such as steeping coffee / tea is ready to drink. Processes that occur in the event of physics mostly because no chemical reaction involved. Then if there is economic value added? Yes, so surely dong. Try it buying coffee / tea in a coffee shop. If we counted the price would be more expensive than the price of the raw material ... hehe. . If guns so khan, hard work aja alias name guns can profit. But that's chemical engineering, industrial sure we talk we talk of economic problems. Who wants to make a factory to make a specific product even though he knows that there will be losers?

It was freshly made coffee / tea for such a small scale or a group of people who just need some glasses. Meanwhile, if we return to the notion of chemical engineering, there is one word that should be highlighted that a large scale. Khan is currently available in the supermarket or roadside stalls some products ready to drink coffee and tea with a variety of packaging produced by various industries. Of course it does not plant coffee / tea per glass is glass, right? Gee, could take many years to provide one million glasses ... hehe. It would be ineffective and inefficient. Coffee / tea making one glass with a million glass production methods would be different though process and the principle of making the same. Well, that's the point. This is where a chemical engineer who understands the process and its design will be very instrumental.

Many questions to be answered by a chemical engineering degree for this purpose. Examples are:
- How does the flow of the process to be effective and efficient.- What is the amount of raw materials needed to make one million liters of steeping coffee / tea is ready to drink.- What size tank of raw materials and how the raw material storage.- What is the size of the glass .... eh. . tank for mixing coffee / tea, sugar, water, or other materials as may be necessary to improve the taste.- How are the raw materials incorporated into the mixing tank.- Is the material suitable for mixing place that is safe for health.- How much electricity or energy required to stir the mixtures ..- How large is the size and what kind pengaduknya tools in order to produce an efficient mixing process.- How long will it take for the process of mixing- What is the temperature of stirring and stirring speed so that the resulting optimum steeping coffee / tea with the best taste.- How so stirring and the temperature in the mixing tank remained stable (does not change).- How much fuel is needed to make hot water- How pemasanannya mechanism.- How and cooling mechanisms- What is the size of the pipe fitting so that the liquid can flow properly.- How do I filter out waste-the waste and size of the filter device.- Want to do with the wastes and the last dregs how so safely discharged to the environment.- How much profit can be obtained per liter steeping coffee / tea produced.- And much more these questions what, how, how, why, etc..

Take it easy, these questions above is not a frightening specter. In chemical engineering, all of the basic concepts and theories to answer these questions is available openly and certainly will be studied.

Once the plant can operate and run well, bereslah is the duty of a chemical engineer. Uppss .... Who said that's wrong. When the factory is already underway, there will be problems in the process. Or plant must also want the benefits that larger, then made efforts such as saving energy / fuel, maximizing the use of raw materials, cutting grooves inefficient process, replacing the equipment performance is not maximized, improve product quality, or even develop products according to the needs and tastes of consumers. Well, these activities are of course still requires the knowledge and skills of a chemical engineer. OK so do not be afraid, do not be afraid to alias not get a job ya.

Well, apparently yes guns have thought of making coffee / tea just so many chemical engineering science that can be learned. Though there are thousands of products in the universe is made on the basis / principles of engineering science clams and makes the world feel more beautiful. So, if you want to make a strange product from raw materials that are available around us, you-you can learn in this field to know the basics.

There are many activities / events of the day which could also be explored as well as brewing coffee / tea on top.

There is a process of mixing, heat exchange (heating), stirring, phase change (evaporation), changes in size, product engineering.

Making tape
There is a chemical reaction and fermentation process

Drying clothes
Well, how could you? What to do with the science of chemical engineering? Of course they can because of the hanging clothes to dry it is drying events in chemical engineering called "drying". This is the event perpindahaan materials (ie water) from the surface of the wet clothes to the free air. Why could move? Due to differences in the amount (concentration) of water in wet clothes with the surrounding air so that the water will move from a high concentration toward the environment with lower concentrations. Continue what if my nights drying clothes, but suddenly my clothes in the morning was a bit dry though still slightly damp when khan no sunlight at night. But if in the daytime really dry faster huh? Why ... why. A million .. and why ..... ..........
In the industrial world, it is widely used simple events you know. Call it crisps factory where the material that will be used as chips usually must be dried first. Noodle factories also use this concept to dry the noodles before packed in plastic sachets. Factory milk powder, detergent powder, artificial sweetener, flavoring, starch, also use this technique on one stage of manufacture.
Deh ready when working in food factories that need drying process, the basic principles of drying techniques have been ngelotok, you know. Fast drying so later, it took a bit of energy, and good quality results.

PDAM water pipelines
There is a mechanism of change in pressure (pumping) and fluid flow systems and storage systems / storage.

Burning trash
Energy conversion and combustion reactions

Human metabolism
Starting from the mouth to the anus. Touted as miniature factories or very complex illustrations.

Onset of morning dew and fog
Decomposition of organic waste
Filter dirty water
Car tire pump / motors
And still ..... still. Many other things .. pretty long list if mention one by one

Is sufficient to provide a preliminary picture of the chemical engineering, is not it? If not, wait for subsequent writings on the topic deeper but still packed in a light and informal atmosphere. Anyway chemical engineering applications cruising range is very wide, ranging from everyday life, small and medium industries, to large industrial complex and complex.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Saturday 8 June 2013

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